bannerpwbannerpw Norwich - Photo Walks Weekend - Riverside Walk, Night Lights, The Plantation Garden and City Architecture/Street

Event Type: A weekend of photography in the fine city, four walks and workshops split over two days.

Dates: Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 2024


Session 1 - Saturday Afternoon: Riverside Walk - 2:30pm to 4:30pm (approx.) - starting from Norwich Railway Station (NR1 1EF)
Session 2 - Saturday Evening: Night Light / Light Trail Photography Workshop - 7pm to 9pm - starting from outside The Forum (NR2 1BH)
Session 3 - Sunday Morning: The Plantation Garden - Workshop - 10:30am - 12pm (approx.) - meeting at the garden (NR2 3DB)
Session 4 - Sunday Afternoon: City Architecture/Street Photography - 1:30pm - 4pm - starting from outside the Forum (NR2 1BH)

Full details are below. Before placing a booking, please read photo walk Terms and Conditions. Payment indicates acceptance.

Terms and Conditions

Booking Options and Pricing: 

Full weekend (All 4 sessions) - £65 
Saturday (Full Day / Sessions 1 and 2) - £35 
Sunday (Full Day / Sessions 3 and 4) - £32 
Individual Sessions - £18 for daytime or £22 for night lights

Please use the dropdown list to select your session/s then click 'buy now'

Booking Options


Details: For our first photo walks weekender, we'll be spending two days in the fine city of Norwich. With so much to see, one day just really didn't seem enough. Along with photographing the city from multiple angles, Saturday evening will see the first ever photo walks night light and light trail photography workshop.

On Saturday afternoon (Session 1) we'll take the popular riverside walk, on our route from the station, we'll pass various historical buildings and interesting architecture - Pull's Ferry, Bishop Bridge, Cow Tower and Jarrold Bridge. From here we'll head around the cathedral to Norwich's most famous road (excluding the infamous nightclubbers paradise of Prince of Wales Road!) and the cobbles of Elm Hill.

On Saturday evening (Session 2), we'll meet at 7pm outside the Forum. After photographing some city night lights, we'll head to a busier road and roundabout section of the city for some light trail photography. I have two locations in mind for this but will confirm nearer the time/on the day. For this section of the weekend, tripods are a must as we'll be shooting with extended shutter times, if you have remote shutter releases, please bring those with you too (no real problem if not, we can use timed shutters)

On Sunday (Session 3) we'll spend some time at the city oasis of The Plantation Gardens, complete with water fountain and Victorian brickwork, the tranquil surroundings are the perfect place to spend some time with a camera for a chilled Sunday morning.

On Sunday afternoon (Session 4) we'll explore some of the city centre architecture (churches, Forum, cathedral outskirts, marketplace, Royal arcade and castle) during the walk we'll also think about what to look for in street photography.

Over the weekend and for each session, I'll offer some themes, inspiration and direction along with some more detailed technical advice for light trail/night photography. You'll be free however to capture images in your own creative style. Whether you use the direction provided or simply photograph things you find interesting is completely up to you. I'll be on hand to answer any questions you may have, to take a look at your images and to offer advice on composition + camera settings/controls.

The weekend is aimed primarily at beginner and hobbyist photographers but is open to anyone who enjoys photography. Any camera type is fine for daytime workshops but Bridge, DSLR or Mirrorless cameras are recommended for the night light workshop. A tripod is also essential for the light trail workshop.

Please don't worry if you're new to photography, our walks aren't a competition and everyone is made to feel welcome. Group walks provide an opportunity for like minded folk to get together and practice taking photographs with gentle direction, advice and encouragement. I'll be taking my own photographs during each session as well. If you have any concerns before booking your place, please just drop me an email.

For those planning to join whole day or weekend sessions, the plan is to get some lunch or dinner as a group during the session intervals. There is no compulsion however to do this and the time between sessions is entirely yours.

Car Parking: Yes - Multiple locations in the city centre + a park and ride service

Accessible via Public Transport: Yes - Norwich has great transport links. Along with the railway station, there is a bus/coach station and also a park and ride service - please email if you require help with planning/directions.

Refreshments/Cafes: Yes - plenty of cafes, restaurants and pubs in the city centre.

Emergency Contact: Attendees will be asked to provide contact details before the start of the weekend. This information will only be used for emergency purposes or updates for attendees on event days. This information will be securely stored and disposed of within 21 days of the event ending. Names and phone numbers will not be used for any other purpose. This information is required for your own well being and safety.