
Norfolk Photography Walks were started in 2019 by West Norfolk based photographer Jon Clifton, that's me and this is the photo walks story...

I started photo walks after navigating a difficult period in life back in 2010 and realising the benefits that photography, walking, nature and being with like minded people had to my physical and mental well being.

It felt important not just to share my photography knowledge (I've loved photography from a young age) but also to offer a welcoming space for people who might be going through similar life events. While it's true you don't need to be struggling to come on a photo walk, it's incredibly rewarding for me to see people grow in confidence, not just with their photography but as people too.

This is a space for everyone, a space to belong, a space to perhaps escape the everyday, a space to feel valued and appreciated. We all need that in our lives I think.

Group walks are social events aimed primarily at beginner and hobbyist photographers. They provide opportunities for attendees to learn the basics and practice photography in beautiful locations around the Norfolk coast and at some of the counties best tourist attractions.

At the start of each walk/workshop, attendees are given some themes for the session, these can range from simple visual ideas (textures/colours) to adding emotion into images... themes are designed to enhance creative vision and are specific to locations and weather conditions. During a walk, you might choose to use the provided themes or shoot your own way. Whatever you choose to shoot, I'll never be far away and always happy to offer advice on camera controls/modes and composition. You'll feel welcome, appreciated and encouraged with every click of the shutter. 

At various points during a walk, the group will split, I'll make my way around people individually to see how you're getting on, answer any questions and offer more specific advice if you need it.

I like the events to have a sense of freedom for those who come along. We all see and interpret the world differently and photography is a way of sharing our personal vision of the world with others. I believe that our artistic individuality is to be treasured and encouraged, also that through adopting simple techniques, snapshots can be turned into eye catching and immersive images. 

Due to the mix of abilities and camera types, group photo walks aren't intended to be in depth technical tuition sessions (these tend to work best on a 1-2-1 basis) but focus more on composition, visual storytelling and simple tips to improve your image making. If you do have questions about different camera modes, settings and terminology, I'll explain things in an easy to understand manner and suggest different things you can practice. Whether you have the most expensive camera or a smartphone, photo walk events aren't a competition. Photography is a skill in which there is always something new we can all learn.

Walks are dependant on the weather, if there's a forecast of heavy rain or any form of weather warning, the event will be postponed or cancelled with 24+ hours emailed notice. Some special events require pre booked tickets for attractions, these events may still go ahead in poor weather. This is clearly stated on our upcoming event pages.

Dogs are not permitted. (I love dogs but know that not everyone does).

Those lucky enough to be under 16 are welcome but must be accompanied by a full paying adult. Due to the uneven terrain we cross, walks may not be suitable for younger children in buggies/pushchairs or wheelchair users. Please email if you require guidance for a specific event.

Our walk locations are fully researched and risk assessed before each visit. Locations are picked to showcase the very best of Norfolk. 

Images from previous events are available on the various photo walks social media pages. A selection of images from previous events can be seen in the gallery. Photo walks are also on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

If you have any queries regarding photo walks, please feel free to message via the 'contact' page or email [email protected]